
26 July 2013

The Bittersweet Chocolate Co – Black Olive (North's Delicatessen, Ashby de la Zouch) [By @cinabar]

Here at Foodstuff Finds we do like our olives. We regularly have stuffed olives with lunches at weekends, and enjoy them filled with pimento or even almonds. I have to admit I’ve never seen a chocolate bar stuffed with olives before though!
This fine chocolate caught my eye in a lovely little shop in Ashby de la Zouch, which we visited after having a wander around the castle there. It’s a dark chocolate bar, with 53% cocoa and olives in amongst it. There doesn’t seem to be too many when you break a piece off, but their taste does shine through when you try the bar.
The chocolate had a firm snap, which is always good on a dark chocolate. It felt quite solid but melted pleasingly on the tongue. The olive flavour was a little strange at first; it added a pleasant hint of savoury, mild olive and a touch of salt. By the second cube of chocolate my taste buds had acclimatised to the new flavour experience and the rich flavours felt like they worked together. I’ve always been a fan of the sweet and salty taste combination and this was very much on the same lines.
The olive pieces were very soft, and their texture was a bit lost in the bar, but that’s okay they are there for the flavour rather than to add to the feel of the chocolate.
This is a sophisticated bar, and manages to combine the two tastes in a very clever way. It’s one of those bars you could show off to your friends as it is a bit of a curious combination, but when it comes to it you know they’ll end up loving it. The flavours are combined because they work, not for dramatic effect. I’d certainly by this bar again, and am very impressed by the unique chocolate pairing.
By Cinabar

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