
22 February 2014

Heinz Cream of Tomato soup with Fiery Mexican Spices (Asda) [By @SpectreUK]

You know that feeling when you're doing something that pushes your limits and you have that moment you think; "If I stop now I think I'll die!"? For instance recently Cinabar convinced me to go back to the gym, either that or my ever increasing waist size convinced her to convince me to go back to the gym. It had been the first time in ages and I thought; I'll see what this fat ageing tub of lard can do. So I found this skiing climbing running machine of destruction (I'm not sure if it was called that, but bear with me) and put fifteen minutes on the clock. Fifteen minutes doesn't sound that bad, I hear you say, but for someone whose primary exercise for three months had been XBox and watching movies, this was the longest fifteen minutes of my life. I started off running like hell. I didn't know why or what I was running from or where I was running too, but I knew deep down that I wasn't going anywhere. Two minutes forty seconds in and I thought I was going to die, but I figured if I stopped I would probably fly off the machine in a random direction and do serious damage to a random beefcake or busty gym babe.

I've had enough hot chilli snacks and "fiery" meals to sink a battleship. Hence why I was back at the gym. This new Heinz Cream of Tomato soup with Fiery Mexican Spices is one of a pair, the other is Cream of Chicken Soup with Aromatic Thai Spices which was recently reviewed by NLi10. We decided to have this soup with a selection of goodies to see how they would fair taste wise. We usually have a big bacon sandwich with soup, but this time a huge loaf of Tiger Bread was just about to go out of date, there was some Brussel's Smooth pate which was also going the same way, some German Salami curtesy of Aldi and a couple of weird sounding cheeses that we had picked up somewhere.

On opening the can I noticed that there were flecks of red chilli dotted in the creamy tomato fire engine red soup. On first taste there was a slight chilli con carne feel mixed in with the usual thick Heinz tomato soup. The Tiger bread was lovely dipped in; perfect really as the bread didn't drop apart either. The soup drew out the garlic in the German Salami leaving a pleasing aftertaste. The soup also drew out the ginger in the Wendlseydale with Ginger cheese. The best cheese to go with this soup was the Applewood Smoke. The soup really brought out the smoked flavour taking my mind straight to a Mexican restaurant somewhere smelling the smoky spiced barbeque foods, whilst enjoying my own lightly spiced tomato chilli con carne meal. It's certainly convinced me to give grated smoked cheese a try on my next chilli con carne dinner. Grated cheese should not be kept souly for pasta dishes so it seems. The worst food to go with this soup was the Brussel's Smooth pate. The pork liver and tomato just didn't match at all and there was just too much liver flavour for my liking in the pate anyway! Blargh!

I would say this Heinz Cream of Tomato soup with Fiery Mexican Spices had a winter warming feel with it's very mild chilli heat and spicy seasoning. I couldn't say it was "fiery" though as it didn't make me sweat like the skiing climbing running machine of destruction or think if I stopped eating it I would die. The soup was very tasty and it did warm me up though. And let's face it without gyms if we tried to exercise outside in the British climate we'd probably freeze and drown in a massive puddle!
By Spectre

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