
28 July 2016

9Bar - good energy twice (@NLi10)

I missed out on doing a 5K run with my work colleagues a while back, but did get to sample one of the bars out of their goodie bag. It was the brown carob topped one on the left, and frankly was a great tasting treat. I spotted these recently and figured I'd try the whole range.

The peanut one pictured below is very typical of the composition - it's packed with nuts and seeds (which is where the twice energy comes from). There is very little holding it together but it doesn't crumble too badly - and frankly the birds will love you for dropping bits of this.

It feels like it's as close to a Fuhrman compliant snack bar as you can get without just having a bag of seeds.

The Carob one is essentially the same, but with the chocolate substitute added on top.  Again I was shocked by how well this worked - having had some horribly dehydrating mouthfuls of carob before. They have the proportions right and if you are looking for a sweeter less nutty version then this may be the one.

I carried these to both festivals without eating and they survived well enough that  they were intact at home so would work well as trail food. Something I'll look to pick up now and again as a filling tasty way to have some seeds on the go.

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