
28 June 2017

Rowntree’s 30% Less Sugar Randoms / Fruit Pastilles [By @SpectreUK]

After two years of painstaking research Nestle have brought out new 30% less sugar versions of Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles and also Rowntree's Randoms. Achieved by increasing the level of fibre with even more fruitiness to an amazing 100%, these new pastilles and jellies sweets have fewer calories, so decreasing the guilt and they still have no artificial flavours, colours, and sweeteners. The only thing bothering me was on the front of both packets it stated; "Love to share", and I'm far too greedy for that!

Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles

There are five flavours and shapes of sugar coated pastilles (see photograph). The rounded Orange pastille has quite a sharp orange flavour and made my mouth water. The slim dark yellow Lemon slice is a mild sweet lemony flavour without being sour. Whereas the triangular pink Strawberry flavour has a very fruity tang to it, and suddenly became my favourite on first try. The green oval Lime flavour had a mild sugary sourness and was slightly more tart than the Lemon pastille. The diamond shaped Blackcurrant flavour immediately trounced the Strawberry on flavour and restored order becoming my favourite fruit pastille, which has always been the case where Rowntree's Fruit Pastilles are concerned. Blackcurrant for the win!

Information on the packet;
The 110g packet recommends 12 sweets per serving, which has 117 calories, 1% trace of fat, 14g of sugar and 0.11g of salt. Please photograph for ingredients.

Rowntree's Randoms

There are loads of different shapes in the packet, from pink sundaes, to yellow Big Ben's, green palm trees and orange chess pieces. It's difficult to know where to start, so I attacked a purple foam snowman and was rewarded with a slightly raspberry fruity flavour. The orange multi-shaped jellies were a tart natural orange flavour, some having foam as well which enhanced the orange and with a little vanilla. The blackcurrant jellies and their foam sided friends all had a fruity natural blackcurrant, with that touch of sweet vanilla from the foam. The yellow foam rocket had a slightly sour fruity flavour. The green jellies were like biting into a sweet apple. And then came the strawberry and raspberry busting foam bottomed cakes which oozed fruity goodness from the initial bite. These Rowntree's Randoms delivered fun with there many shapes and assorted flavours, and natural fruitiness in shovels. Mmm… fantastic!

Information on the packet;
The 110g packet recommends 9 sweets per serving, which has 106 calories, 1% trace of fat, 12.9g of sugar and 0.02g of salt. Please photograph for ingredients.

1 comment:

  1. just tried these ,never again tasteless,best leaving things as they are.not impressed,not a hint of fruit


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