
5 July 2021

Candy Pop Popcorn M&Ms Minis (GB Gifts) By @Cinabar

Candy Pop Popcorn M&Ms Minis

Whenever there are new M&Ms to review we traditionally do them on Monday in what is known at Foodstuff Finds as M&Ms Monday. We haven’t had any new M&Ms for a bit so I was pleased to find this new bag. These aren’t quite M&Ms but they do contain them so I’m going with it. I picked up a bag of Candy Pop Popcorn M&Ms Minis from an import shop and thought the idea of popcorn flavoured with M&Ms (not M&Ms which are popcorn flavoured) sounded amazing and I couldn’t wait to get stuck in.

I poured some of the popcorn out and have to say I was rather disappointed. Yes there was plenty of milk chocolate on the popcorn but the actual M&M’s were very low in number, what a shame. I tried some popcorn and it was nice because popcorn drizzled with milk chocolate is always good. The bits with M&Ms were really nice they had added texture and colour and were fun, but there just weren’t enough of them. As this product is called Candy Pop Popcorn with M&Ms Minis there just weren’t enough of them to justify it and that is why I wouldn’t buy this again.

Candy Pop Popcorn M&Ms Minis

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