
16 April 2022

Salt Denim HDHC IPA Beer (Tesco) By @SpectreUK

Salt Denim HDHC IPA Beer

Ah, the old HDHC IPA, eh?! Nope, I've got nothing.

Okay, so HDHC stands for High-Density Hop Charge. Apparently it's where a large amount of hops are packed in for the biggest boldest flavour. I found on the side of the can that three hops have been used in this Denim, which was produced by the micro brewery Salt. This 7.2% in volume India Pale Ale is supposed to be as hard wearing as it's name sake implies.

On smell Denim certainly had a strong herbal hop aroma with a hint of citrus followed by the sweet malts in the background. This misty golden IPA had a biting herbal hop start, really biting in fact. Denim has a sharper herbal bite than I can remember any other IPA I've tried in the past. This was not necessarily a good thing.

Once I'd clawed my way out of the pit of herbal hops there was a mild sweetness from the pale malts into the aftertaste. Denim was definitely a bitter IPA and no mistake. I couldn't decide at first if I liked this India Pale Ale. It was as if it was trying too hard to be bitter. Unfortunately it just become uncomfortably bitter after less than half a pint. I don't have many beers these days due to my diet, so I do really like to enjoy a beer when I drink one. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy Demin.

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