
18 November 2023

Aunt Bessie’s Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale (Morrison’s) By @SpectreUK

Aunt Bessie’s Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale

I love Aunt Bessie's Dumplings. I love her Yorkshire Puddings too. I love homemade apple crumble and custard. My mom used to make really good apple crumble when I was a lad. Now, if I'm good, which is rare, Cinabar makes it for me this time of year. Hint, hint… I'm not sure I'm going to like Northern Monk's Aunt Bessie's Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale though. Now if it was a cider, it might have legs, but hey, I'll try anything sweet for a pudding beer.

At 4.5% in volume, Aunt Bessie's Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale is supposed to be a sweet and creamy pale ale. Not quite explicit on the ingredients, Northern Monk seem to be keeping hush, hush on that though. So, on opening the can there was the unmistakable aroma of apple crumble and creamy custard. This aroma pretty much overpowered any hops or malted barley, but it did smell really good.

This misty murky pale golden coloured ale looked like someone had dropped their custard coated pudding in their pint. On taste this Aunt Bessie's Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale did pretty much what it said on the can. There was a light oaty crumble flavour, a hint of bitter herbal hops, and then a fruity apple taste all to begin with, which was followed by a creamy custard flavour. The added sweetness from the pale malts rounded off this Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale into the aftertaste.

This Aunt Bessie's Apple Crumble & Custard Pale Ale was a luscious pudding beer, begging me to be good enough to sample one of Cinabar's brilliant homemade apple crumble and custard puddings. Yum.

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