15 August 2023

Mcvities Hobnobs Coconut Macaroon Flapjacks (Tesco) By @Cinabar

Mcvities Hobnobs Coconut Macaroon Flapjacks

I spotted these in the supermarket and thought I’d give them a try. They were also on a club card price of just £1, so that helped with the temptation. The first thing I notice, and I’m not sure how well it shows up on the photo, is that these are small bars, very small bars. The box they are in is bigger than them, and the wrapper they are in is also baggy on them. 

Mcvities Hobnobs Coconut Macaroon Flapjacks

I gave one a try, and I did like the flavour. They aren’t as sweet as traditional flapjacks, but there is still a nice oat flavour with a hint of syrup. Wholesome but mild. The coconut is a bit too mild too, but it is present if you look for it.

In conclusion, these are pleasant enough but not that exciting. I started off disappointed by how small they were, and then the flavour could have been so much more. They were drying out for a drizzle of chocolate.

Mcvities Hobnobs Coconut Macaroon Flapjacks

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