15 November 2023

Warheads Ooze Chewz (Asda petrol station) By @SpectreUK

Warheads Ooze Chewz
I like our local petrol station, it's close by, it's not too expensive, and it stocks all sorts of weird and quirky snack foods. So, last time a filled up my car, I picked up a huge bag of onion rings and these Warheads Ooze Chewz in the hope they might blast through all that onion flavour for a cheeky pudding. 
Warheads Ooze Chewz

Imported by World of Sweets, these Warheads Ooze Chewz were made in Mexico. On opening the bag inside the box, all the Ooze Chewz were stuck together and looked a bit like they'd been run over. However unappetising they looked, there were six stuck together flavours to choose from.

Warheads Ooze Chewz

The orange mango flavour wasn't particularly oozy and had a kind of fake mango sour flavour. I was guessing however these Ooze Chewz had been stored or badly traveled from Mexico, none of them were going to be oozy. The pink strawberry flavour was again, a kind of chemical fruit flavour indistinguishable as strawberries. The green apple flavour tasted like something had spilled out of a chemical lab. The red cherry flavour was the most sour so far, and actually tasted a bit like cherry. Although confusing on the colour, the pinkish watermelon flavour tasted reminiscent of watermelon, but not in any good way. Finally, the blue raspberry flavour was actually fruity, but still had a chemical aftertaste that I really didn't like. These Warheads Ooze Chewz were not for me I'm afraid or anyone else for that matter.

Information on the packet; The box had 99g with 352 calories per 100g, 0g of fat, 56g of sugar, and 0.13g of salt. Please see photograph for the ingredients.

Warheads Ooze Chewz

1 comment:

Mike said...

They don't sound too good!