18 July 2023

Hershey’s Cookies and Cream Dipped Pretzels (Local Shop) By @Cinabar

Hershey’s Cookies and Cream Dipped Pretzels

I wandered into an independent corner shop that I don’t normally visit, and to be honest, it paid off for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I picked up four cans of Bank’s Mild, Spectre’s favourite beer. It has been impossible to find recently, and Spectre was super excited to see it again. Expect a blog post shortly. Secondly, I got to browse some interesting import products, and amongst the goodies, I found these Hershey’s Cookies and Cream Dipped Pretzels.

These are imported from America and are a combination of cookies and cream chocolate, and pretzels. I poured some of the contents out of the bag, and inside were dark and white-coated pretzels and quite a lot of crumbs too. They taste fabulous, sweet, creamy, and with lots of chocolate flavours. The biscuit taste was nice too, as was the salt from the pretzels. They had a great crunch and were very moreish to munch on. I’m so glad I found these Hershey’s Cookies and Cream Dipped Pretzels, and it just shows that sometimes it is definitely worth taking a look in some of the smaller local independent shops and supporting the local community. 

Hershey’s Cookies and Cream Dipped Pretzels

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