9 August 2024

Heinz Beanz Richmond Pork Sausages (Morrisons) By @Cinabar

Heinz Beanz Richmond Pork Sausages

I know the weather is hot, but I still like a jacket potato with baked beans, even in the summer. We normally also add some grated cheese and make a meal out of it. I did once try the Heinz beans with sausages, but I remember thinking they weren’t that great. The sausages were okay, but there weren’t that many of them. I haven’t bought them for quite a few years, to be honest. However, I potted this can with the promise of a new, improved recipe and a branded brand of sausages, so I decided to give them a second chance.

Here we have Heinz Beanz with Richmond Pork Sausages. I heated some up and poured them over a lovely, hot, buttered jacket potato. The first thing to spot was that there was a good amount of mini sausages mixed in, which looked lovely. The taste was good too. The beans are of the usual quality, with a nice sweet tomato base. The sausages were meaty and tasted good; each one was a treat to find. I have to say I’m converted. I’d definitely have these Heinz Beanz Richmond Pork Sausages again. 

Heinz Beanz Richmond Pork Sausages

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