24 August 2024

Master Stoat Coffee Stout (Tesco) By @SpectreUK

Master Stoat Coffee Stout

I do like a stout with my steak and chips. Steak and chips are rare these days, and I like a treat at the end of the week. This Master Stoat Coffee Stout should wash my dinner down perfectly with it's notes of coffee, and sweet caramel. Produced by Badger Beers and brewed with natural flavourings, this stout was 5% in volume. Apparently the stoat is the Master Brewer.

On opening the bottle there was a scrumptious sweet and strong aroma of caramel, dark chocolate malt and roasted coffee. Poured almost black, there was deep chocolate malt and caramel sweetness to begin with, followed by a slight herbal bitterness from the hops, and then more caramel and roasted coffee into the aftertaste.

My steak was medium rare, just the way I like it. Master Stoat Coffee Stout tasted like heaven in a beer glass. This stout would be perfect for a pudding beer with its oodles of caramel and chocolate malt, or indeed for washing down my evening meal. Gosh, what a clever Master Stoat.

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