27 August 2024

Walkers Wotsits Crispy Bacon (Ocado) By @Cinabar

Walkers Wotsits Crispy Bacon

When I was a kid, I didn’t get Wotsits as a concept. I don’t know why; I’ve always loved crisps. It is only since becoming an adult that I’ve really taken to Wotsits and their cheesy goodness. Now they have launched some new flavours, and I am all stocked up. The first ones to try are Walkers Wotsits Crispy Bacon. Now these crisps will be up against Frazzles in my head, another favourite.

This bag is from a multipack, but I have to say each of the single packets are quite small. They are low-calorie, but partly that is because of the size. I gave one a try, and I did love the taste and texture. They had the firm crunchy munchy feeling, and the smoky bacon was just lovely. There was a meatiness, plenty of smoke, and a touch of sweetness. These Walkers Wotsits Crispy Bacon were yummy and moreish. My only complaint is the packets are too small, so, er, I had two! 

Walkers Wotsits Crispy Bacon

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