McVitie's long ago realised that only the smallest of changes to the Jaffa Cakes recipe was needed to get us to pick a box up. And we buy them all - they even have their own category on this site. Gradually they are straying further from the hallowed ground of the Orange to other Citrus Fruits, then other fruity things, and now technically I guess nut flavoured things.
Well natural flavourings approximating the cola nut I assume. Mr Whiskers is interested eitherway.
Only 10 in a pack now - that's another gradual change
And they still seem to be shrinking.
But - a fresh-from-the-pack official Jaffa Cake is still a thing of great beauty, and a less acidy flavour like Cola means you can happily eat a portion of 3 without batting an eyelid
Less 'jaffa' than before too - but all things in balance.
These taste like a weak cola bottle on a jaffa cake base, which is still plenty good enough. Gone are the days when I'd get through a box of 36 Tesco own brand Jaffa Cakes in a week, so I'll settle for having these decent quality ones in a variety of flavours every so often.
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