14 December 2024

Black Sheep Blitzen Festive Ruby Ale (Morrisons) by @Spectreuk

Black Sheep Blitzen Festive Ruby Ale

On the run up to Christmas there are always lovely snacks, such as; Pork Pies, and breaded fried prawns, Duck rolls, Pigs-in-Blankets, Scotch Eggs, and Sausage Rolls to pick up from the supermarket. Apparently such treats are considered as Picky Bits. What better to wash them down with than a Festive Ruby Ale.

This Black Sheep Blitzen Festive Ruby Ale was 4% in volume, and was brewed with Yorkshire Dales fresh water, and infused with orange peel and muscovado sugar for a burnt orange flavour, as well as flavours of dark fruits from the hops, and a hint of chocolate malt. This all sounds pretty mouthwatering, so with lots of Picky Bits on my plate, pieces of toasted Tiger Bread, and some salad, I popped open the bottle.

On pouring this Black Sheep Blitzen Festive Ruby Ale was easily the darkest ruby ale I've ever poured. There were notes of malted barley, dark fruits and chocolate malt in the aroma. On first taste the luscious malted chocolate oozed over my palate, with a slight burnt citrus flavour, added dark winter fruity hops, and a touch of warming spice. This ale was perfect with my Pigs-in-Blankets and other Picky Bits. Merry run up to Christmas to you all.

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