25 December 2024

Exceptional 4 Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies (Asda) By @SpectreUK

Exceptional 4 Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies (Asda)

Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brought you everything you wanted. I hope everyone is having a great day, getting on with family and friends, as well as enjoying your presents. I hope Santa enjoyed whatever mince pies he was left out with a tot of brandy, or rum (if I was Father Christmas).

Now, I've never eaten a mince pie I didn't like. So, you may think this is another high praise blog about snack food I love. I am guilty of looking for foodstuffs I most often than not will likely enjoy. I count calories for my diet, so generally if I really don't like something I bin it and go straight for biscuits or chocolate, or chocolate biscuits

Exceptional 4 Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies (Asda)

These Exceptional Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies from Asda are my only ever exception. Considering they were supposed to be from a top notch range, the pastry was messy, the tops didn't quite fit the base, and the tops were a little off centre.

On taste the brown butter pastry was quite thick, and had a slightly burnt biscuit flavour. It was a little chewy but it did melt in my mouth after a time. I just wasn't sure I wanted it there after my initial bite. I've never tasted pastry like that before, it tasted different, and I'm not entirely sure I liked it. When Walkers did mince pies previously with shortbread it really worked, but this Asda Exceptional pastry was a miss.

Exceptional 4 Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies (Asda)

The mince pies were supposed to be filled with a rum laced spiced vine fruit and citrus peel mincemeat. However, from the photograph you can see there was not much filling either, it was half empty, or half full depending on what type of person you are. Anyway, they had a huge air bubble.There was a juicy fruity rum tasting half filling though, but there needed to be more. I did like the sugar dusting though.

If this was a mass produced supermarket mince pie these mince pies would be fair enough, but as an Exceptional product they needed something more. They went okay with the more rum I drank with them, and they were okay with vanilla ice cream too.

Merry Christmas, I hope you find some nicer mince pies to enjoy!

Information on the box; There were 230 calories per mince pie, with 9g of fat, 20g of sugar and 0.1g of salt. Please see photograph for the ingredients.

Exceptional 4 Brown Butter Flavour & Rum Mince Pies (Asda)

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