30 April 2015

The collective - Scottish raspberry yogurt [by @NLi10]

Here we have a large luxury live yogurt.  It wasn't that expensive, and I wanted something to eat with other things over a few days.

I chose raspberry because it's my favourite and it does well in luxury products. 

The brand seemed cool.

And the packaging was fun.

Marylin approves - look at all the fruity bits! The texture was great, thick enough to stand up on its own but soft enough to be a contrast to the fruit.  There were layers and different flavours too so the creamy yogurt and the jammier chunks of fruit made a very varied experience over the few days it took to eat.

Overall it's something I'd certainly have again, and I'd probably be happy having the same flavour too. A nice change for me from the little Asda pots, but it did require a little self control to make it last.

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