9 July 2024

Mr. Kipling Strawberries and Cream Fancies (Morrisons) By @Cinabar

Mr. Kipling Strawberries and Cream Fancies

We are officially in Wimbledon season; the tennis is on, and that means the classic Wimbledon dessert of strawberries and cream is now in fashion too. One of Mr. Kipling's new summer cakes are these Strawberries and Cream Fancies, based on the fondant fancy cake with a twist of strawberry. If you haven’t had this type of cake before, it is a square of sponge, a dollop of soft fondant, and covered in icing. I have had these cakes throughout my life, and as is the case with many things from childhood, I’m convinced they used to be bigger.

Mr. Kipling Strawberries and Cream Fancies

Inside the box are eight small cakes, and each one is in an individual paper case. These ones are a lovely pink colour, and I immediately picked up on the fruit aroma. I bit in, and there was a yummy blast of sweetness and plenty of strawberry flavour. The sponge square is lovely and moist, and the dollop of fondant makes the texture good too. These are sweet, and they went perfectly with a cup of tea, especially with the tennis in the background. It was so nice to have a summery treat. I just wish the weather would brighten up a bit too. 

Mr. Kipling Strawberries and Cream Fancies

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