10 July 2024

Walkers Wotsits Sweet & Spicy Flamin’ Hot (Morrisons) By @SpectreUK

Walkers Wotsits Sweet & Spicy Flamin’ Hot

I have an open tuna sandwich with cucumber and fried eggs for lunch, so a snack that's nice and spicy should go well with that. These Walkers Wotsits Sweet & Spicy Flamin' Hot crisps, should be just a step away from the usual Hot & Spicy Flamin' Hot. Albeit not a step too far away, but they must have at least a little sweetness to them from name.

On opening the packet there was an orange tint to these Walkers Wotsits Sweet & Spicy Flamin' Hot maize crisps inside. Having quite an instant fire to them, there was a paprika burn mixed in with a little caramel sweetness to begin with. This spicy burn kept on giving making my tongue tingle, with a hint of onion added to the sweetness into the aftertaste. Very nice indeed. I'll have to these regularly in.

I like a packet of Walkers Cheesy Wotsits now and then. I prefer Monster Munch for their crunchiness, but they don't come in Cheesy flavours. Maybe Walkers should try that next?

Information on the packet; Per 16g bag contains 85 calories, with 4.8g of fat, 0.6g of sugar, and 0.31g of salt. Please see photograph for the ingredients.

Walkers Wotsits Sweet & Spicy Flamin’ Hot

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