20 July 2024

Sweet Fuggle Beer (Wee Beer Shop) By @SpectreUK

Sweet Fuggle Beer

Having COVID for a couple of weeks and then the aftereffects has knocked me about quite a lot, my tastebuds seem to be getting back to normal, but my stomach is not great, and this latest version comes with a great deal of dizziness. This dizziness didn't help on a night away in a spa hotel for my birthday. Consequentially this is the first beer I've had in a while. However, it's coming up to it's end date, and I don't want to tip it away.

Sweet Fuggle should wash down my pork chops and roast potatoes dinner tonight rather well. Cinabar is treating me to apple crumble and custard for my birthday. I've been assured there is a Victoria Sponge cake on the way, and I'm hoping for my favourite soft baked Anzac biscuits too. I have quite a sweet tooth, so I'm hoping this beer will suit my palate.

At a super low 2.1% in volume, Sweet Fuggle shouldn't make me much dizzier on drinking it. Fuggle hops and Goldings hops were added in the brewing, so I'm expecting some woody bitterness, and earthiness, with a touch of sweet honey in the flavour.

On pouring this golden ale there was indeed a woody earthy sweet aroma, with plenty of malt to back it up. On taste the earthy Fuggles' bitterness came to the fore, with a touch of wood flavour, and then sweetness from the Goldings. The sweet malted barley added further sweetness as oatiness gave this luscious Sweet Fuggle more body. This was a gorgeous beer to wash down my favourite pork chops and roast potatoes, and with apple crumble and custard to finish. Yum.

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