12 July 2024

Terry’s Chocolate (Not Orange) Mint (Ocado) By @Cinabar

Terry’s Chocolate Mint

I know the weather isn’t great, but I just don’t think psychologically I’m ready to skip straight to Christmas. Everyone knows we get new Terry’s Chocolate Orange editions at Christmas, yet here we are in July with this Terry’s Chocolate Mint (ok, it doesn’t actually say orange, but it is the same shape). 

Terry’s Chocolate Mint

As I have experience with Terry’s Chocolate Oranges, I know to tap the ball of chocolate before unwrapping it, as this loosens the segments, so that is what I did. Once unwrapped, all the pieces fell apart nicely for sharing. As this is a mint chocolate, I assumed it would be made with dark chocolate, but once the wrapper was off, I spotted that it was made with milk chocolate.

I took a piece of Terry’s Chocolate Mint and gave it a try. There is some serious mint in this chocolate, and it was an absolute blast of peppermint chocolate goodness. I love mint; I’m really glad the flavour is strong, and as you chew, all the sweet, creamy tones of chocolate shine through. This is a delight to eat. I meant to stop after only four pieces, but you know it is a bit good. 

I don’t know why we have a new flavour in the summer, but I am rather pleased with how yummy this Terry’s Chocolate Orange is. You could always add a piece to a bowl of mint chocolate-chip ice cream as the perfect summer topping, or just eat it straight from the wrapper like I did. 

Terry’s Chocolate Mint


Jayenkai said...

Sounds yummy. Terry's Chocolate is on my list of "safe to eat without getting an instant migraine" chocolates, so I'll be hunting this one down for sure.

Anonymous said...

This came out last year in August/September so it's been around for a little while. They did a mint one years ago but it was dark chocolate. They're bringing out Terry's mint crisp minis for Xmas and it's also rumoured they're brining out a Terry's Chocolate Orange that's just plain milk chocolate with no orange flavouring.....

cinabar said...

Ooh - thank you for the info. Honestly not sure how I feel about a Chocolate "Orange" without any flavour! :D

cinabar said...

Really pleased Terry's doesn't cause you migraines - so sorry other chocolate does :(