Cheese seems to be quite seasonal at the minute with lots of different sets complete with mini bottles of port or pickles hitting the Christmas gift market. I too bought a box of crackers for cheese, and decided to try out this new Dutch variety. Old Amsterdam Cheese is a matured Gouda promising a full flavour experience. Although the slab of Old Amsterdam Cheese came with a smart cheese board and slicer, I actually cut fairly chunky pieces for my crackers, because I’m greedy like that!
The cheese has a good rich golden colour and is quite a firm to cut. I placed a sizable chunk neatly on top of a buttered cracker and tested it out. I have to say it has a very impressive flavour. The cheese is quite strong, and had a very developed taste. It was nutty and had a tangy after flavour that blended away to a softer creaminess when you finished the mouthful. As someone who likes mature cheese, I really enjoyed the fuller flavour of the cheese, and felt that it complimented the lighter buttered cracker taste perfectly. I paired some of it up with M&S’s Traditional Windfall Chutney which is rather sweet and the two flavours worked together like a treat. It was one of those moments when you realise you shouldn’t eat the hole block of cheese in one sitting!
If you are looking for something that’s a bit different, I do recommend it. Astronaut Andre Kuipers thought it was so good he took some with him on his last trip to the space station, so if it is good enough for NASA it really ought to be good enough for anyone!
By Cinabar
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