5 September 2018

Kit Kat Chunky Salted Caramel Fudge (WH Smiths) By @SpectreUK

I was sure I’d tried just about every variation of salted caramel chocolate bar out there on the market. I was even sure one of those salted caramel flavoured bars was a Kit Kat, even if it wasn’t a Chunky style bar. However I haven’t tried a salted caramel and fudge bar before. That’s got to be like a double kick up the backside waker-upper combination right there. Over the past year or so salted caramel flavour has grown on me like a stylish new hairstyle. In my opinion it tastes good, is generally runny, and usually has a little salty kick that makes my tongue curl a little. The addition of fudge could be like a second sweet and tasty blast with the caramel. I’m looking for a salty sweet sandwich and that’s not a euphemism!

On opening the packet there was the usual Chunky Kit Kat covered in Nestlé milk chocolate. Biting into the layers of wafer I could see the salted caramel and fudge at the top of the bar, with the layers of wafer and chocolate underneath, just like the image on the front of the bar (see photograph). On taste this Kit Kat Chunky Salted Caramel Fudge bar is pure indulgence. There is the sweetness from the milk chocolate coating, then the caramel with a salty kick and then a bonus fudge sweetness followed by the rest of the milk chocolate in each mouthful. This is more than just a salty sweet sandwich. This is pure bliss!
Information on the wrapper;
One 42g bar has 226 calories, with 12.9g of fat, 20.6g of sugar and 0.20g of salt. See photograph for ingredients.

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