27 December 2018

A Very FoodStuffFinds Christmas - 2018 (@NLi10)

It was tempting to do this as another video, but with the cold I have you'd not understand a word of it!

So - instead - here are a few things that I've been given over Christmas from friends and relatives who are aware of the blog.

Here we have a big box of nerds, a smaller box of nerds, two kinds of Oreos (not for dunking), purely orange smarties, shortbread, Raspberry Ripple hot chocolate, home made chocolate slab, and a Lind Santa!  Then on the right we have a whole hampers worth of goodies put together by my parents.

Firstly and most importantly - a rocky road Santa!  We've reviewed my mother's recipes for this before so will save it for later.

Choc affair bars, with a Bizzare bar for pudding! We've eaten lots of these, not quite sure which flavours made it to the site.

Italian Breadsticks & Olives.  That's my evening sorted.  Better than chocolate in my opinion!

We've been drinking Mr Fitzpatrick's Dandelion & Burdock cordial for a while - this sounds amazing and will likely get it's own review.  May be a perfect cocktail base for the tanker load of gin we now own.

We like English Tea shop tea, we like biscuits.  This seems a good combo.

And lastly a nice preserve for eating with the leftovers from Christmas dinner - haven't we done well!!

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