30 June 2024

Tesco Spicy Coated Peanuts - Sweet Chilli [@NLi10]

 It's football season still!  I'm not watching today as I have both teams in the sweepstake so either way I'm through.  What is more interesting is that I've failed to procure more of teh Budweiser nuts so have had to resort to the store brand ones.

Ordinarily I'm fine with that - they are probably made in the same factory etc - but here they aren't quite up to scratch.

I mean - I'm still going to eat them all - but I'm not guarding them like Gollum and contemplating where my next hit is coming from.

The problems are two-fold.  Firstly these are sweet chilli instead of buffalo sauce flavour.  This means there is less of a spicy hit and more of a family friendly tingle.

The coatings as well just don't have the rough battered texture of the others.

So in summary, I think I have to trek to Asda tomorrow whether the local football men score sufficiently or not.  Hopefully if they do get knocked out the Women's team will let them have a selfie with their trophy.

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