1 June 2024

Four Pure Double IPA (Marks and Spencer’s) By @SpectreUK

Four Pure Double IPA (Marks and Spencer’s)

We rarely go into town these days. Well, it used to be a town, and nothing really changed asides it's status. We used to go there every Saturday, but the antiques market and indoor market closed for a new market that was never built. The pedestrianisation and parking charges with the political and financial climate, and also the pandemic closed most of all the other shops. It's a shame, as it used to be such a vibrant happy place to wander around.

My point is that we rarely go to the Marks and Spencer's there, so picking up an interesting sounding beer is a bit of a treat. This Four Pure is a "bold and hoppy" 7.3% in volume double hopped Indian Pale Ale. This is even more of a treat as it has malted rye in the ingredients for a little red coloured spice. With London Fog yeast and plenty of American hops for offerings of pine, and tropical fruits, this IPA should wash down my bangers and mash a treat tonight.

On opening the can there was a tropical fruity hop, a little pine and then rye spice aroma, with sweet malted barley close behind it. There was a red rye colour to this double hopped Four Pure. On taste there was a crispy fruity bitterness to start with, notes of woody pine, and then the lovely spice of rye pushed through to mix with the sweetness of malted barley. This was a gorgeous double hopped IPA, with plenty of rye spiciness, which is what I most love in a beer. It washed down my bangers and mash perfectly. Cheers.

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