29 June 2024

Dookit’s Lucania Porter (Wee Beer Shop) By @SpectreUK

Dookit’s Lucania Porter

I have the rare treat tonight of steak and chips. I haven't a stout to hand, but I do have the next best thing, in my mind, a Plum Porter. This 5.3% in volume Lucania was made in Glasgow by Dookit Brewing Company in collaboration with Closet Brewing. It not only has the traditional; barley, hops and oats, it also has plums and natural plum flavouring in the ingredients. Oh, this could be good.

On opening the 330ml bottle there was a quick fizz and then an eruption. I managed not to lose more than a few drops. As a seasoned beer opener, I usually have my beer glass close to hand for instances such as this. There was a deep fruity plum aroma and malted barley from this dark brown Porter.

On taste Lucania had a sour kick to begin with that I wasn't expecting. Further bitterness was added from the herbal hops to the sour fruitiness of the plums. I'm not a lover of sour beers, and this was my first sour Porter. The malted barley eased the sourness somewhat into the aftertaste with the oats giving fuller body to this almost face twisty dark brew. Not so sure about this one, I'm afraid.

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