16 June 2024

Budweiser -Buffalo Chicken Wings Crispy Coated Peanuts [@NLi10]

 It's football time! This means that the majority of the country buy bigger TVs and watch the standard definition broadcast version of the match anyway, meanwhile I look for new snack options.

This one isn't specifically football themed but seems to have been added to the section for people actually planning to watch.  I took them to work because Buffalo sauce is one of my favourite things to add a tiny bit of to food - It's basically spicy vinegar and is great.

Lots of guff about the inferior beer (even Budweiser make a better beer than Budweiser - Budvar!) and a brief mention of these nuts.

Peanuts contain lots of energy so a bag is 5 servings.  That's not too unrealistic really as spicy snacks at work are a multi-day proposition.  I'd say that two days snacking dealt with half a bag.

Willpower was required as these are pretty good.

I reckon these are the KP nutsters/Nobby's Nuts mix but with the new flavour dust added - and it's a doosy.  Like Spice & vinegar instead of salt & vinegar this is a great way to chug back peanuts (from a glass if you want your keyboard to stay clean) and I kind of regret not getting a 2nd bag to sit and eat at home.  I'd have to share them then though!

I wonder if they do bigger bags.  Happy Euro's to those that celebrate and I hope your chosen team does marginally better than expected.

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