Produced by Weston & Sons for Sainsbury’s this Low Alcohol Apple Cider was made with fresh pressed apples and matured in oak vats to enhance its fruity flavour. At 0.9% volume this is definitely the least alcohol content cider I’ve ever tasted. On opening there was a mild pleasant apple cider smell. On taste this still medium dry cider had a lip-smacking freshness about it. It would be perfect on a hot sunny afternoon in the garden, especially if you want plenty of cider without the increasing dizzy effects of alcohol that usually comes with a binge of it, and particularly if you’re using some sort of machinery like a hedge trimmer. I hear lawnmowers; flip-flops and booze don’t go well together. The cider was mild in flavour with a refreshing scrumpy apple zest combined with the undertones from the oak aged barrels giving it colour and body. One for the cider drinking designated drivers I’m sure.
By Spectre
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