23 September 2022

Toblerone Gold - Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat (Tesco) By @Cinabar

Toblerone Gold - Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat

I think I have to start this post with a bit of back history about the price. I rarely write about the price of items we’ve bought for Foodstuff Finds, as most items cost us less than £2 and those that are a little bit more expensive from time to time are a bit of an indulgence. When Toblerone first announced their new Toblerone Gold Edition Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat bar, I wanted one, naturally. I went to buy one online as it was an online exclusive at the time and it came with a personalised pack and a price tag of £17.50. I stopped, it was a ridiculous price for a bar and even though I did consider it, I couldn’t do it. I speak as someone who has spent several pounds on exotic foreign Kit Kat specials, but one bar for that price and I knew I’d have to let it go.

So, as you may have spotted from the title, I went on to find this bar in the supermarket with a much more palatable price tag of £3.50, and excitedly snapped one up. I’ve not had Toblerone for a while but the rush of nostalgia from Christmases past hit me. Finding a large Toblerone under the tree was super exciting. I opened the bar and ripped into the foil, the aroma of caramel was sweet and strong. Toblerone is an awkward shaped bar, it makes it unique but also difficult to eat. The internet has taught me how to break the pieces off. As a kid I’d wrestle them off outward and in an undignified manor, but apparently the internet said if I pressed the piece inwards toward the rest of the bar it would break off, and it did! Who knew! Did they add more space between the pieces? Is that why it is easier?

Toblerone Gold - Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat

These are big chunky pieces, and they are still a bit difficult to eat, but that is my kind of problem. The flavour is sugary sweet, with soothing tones of caramel, and then the honey almond nougat kicks in. The bar doesn’t have the best texture as the nougat is sticky, but I like it because of the memories that it generates. I love the sweet new caramel version of Toblerone, it is rich and comforting. I will definitely try and pick up another Toblerone Gold Edition Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat bar, so long as it is £3.50!

Toblerone Gold - Golden Caramel With Honey and Almond Nougat

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