24 April 2024

Hunky Dory’s Crinkle Cut Buffalo Flavour Potato Crisps (Iceland) By @SpectreUK

Hunky Dory’s Crinkle Cut Buffalo Flavour Potato Crisps (Iceland)

I do love beef flavoured potato crisps, especially with a beef sandwich. I reckon beef is pretty much my favourite flavour, well, after ready salted, and salt and vinegar crisps. I find they go the next best washed down with a pint of ale. Although, beef and steak flavoured crisps do go well with a pint of beer also. These Hunky Dory's Crinkle Cut Buffalo Flavour Potato Crisps sound like they would go well with a decent pint too.

One smell of these orange coloured crinkle cut crisps on opening the packet, and I immediately thought: Beef Jerky. My second thought weirdly was: crisp sandwich. Once in, I couldn't get the idea out of my head. So, I buttered a couple of pieces of bread, took one crisp to confirm their smoky sweet beef jerky flavour, and dumped the rest of the packet into my sandwich. I haven't had a crisp for a while, and as a filing, these Hunky Dory's Crinkle Cut Buffalo Flavour Potato Crisps certainly didn't disappoint. Gorgeous.

Information on the packet; The 25g bag contained 134 calories, with 8.5g of fat, 0.8g of sugar, and 0.3g of salt. Please see photograph for the ingredients.

Hunky Dory’s Crinkle Cut Buffalo Flavour Potato Crisps (Iceland)

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