29 August 2023

Guinness Hot Chocolate (Amazon) By @Cinabar

Guinness Hot Chocolate (Amazon)

I’m not entirely sure how I ended up buying this hot chocolate; I know I didn’t go looking for it. I was actually searching for pumpkin spice items on Amazon (I love autumn flavours), and I know I searched for pumpkin spice hot chocolate, and for reasons best known to Amazon, this Guinness Hot Chocolate was in the search results. Obviously, once I knew it existed, I also knew I had to buy it; it felt like a very strange product cross-over.

Guinness Hot Chocolate (Amazon)

Once the tin arrived, I took a closer look at it. Firstly, what a stunning tin! I was very impressed. Secondly, it was made in Ireland, so it has the authenticity of Guinness. Finally, the instructions seriously annoyed me; they told me to use 25g of hot chocolate mixed with milk. What the actual I have drank literally hundreds of hot chocolates, and they all tell you how much to use with the measurement of teaspoons. I tried googling 25g of cocoa, and that is 2g per teaspoon, so that works out as 12 (?) teaspoons per mug, so that isn’t right. I also can’t be bothered to weigh 25 grams. Most hot chocolates are 3 or 4 teaspoons per mug, so I went with 4, and the drink was about right in a small mug. The drink mixed up nicely. I know I should have made it in a glass mug and topped it with white cream for that look, but all my mugs are opaque, sorry!

The flavour was rich and intense. The cocoa was strong and sweet, and the rich, deep flavours of Guinness shone through. They are super rich and super dark, and they worked a treat together. It has a proper autumnal feel and was a lovely warming drink on a cooler evening. I loved it, and I’d buy it as a gift too, as the tin is super cute.

Going back to my original point, there wasn’t any pumpkin spice hot chocolate on Amazon, even though I know Swiss Miss makes one in The States. If you know of one, let me know, because there is always room for another jar of interesting cocoa in the cupboard.

Guinness Hot Chocolate (Amazon)

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