This 4.2% in volume lager was produced with a traditional decoction mash method, and with traditional British grown lager and Munich malts for a fuller body, with some traditional hopping to boot, but with a twist of a few of the most recent British flavour hops for a finishing crisp, fruitiness.
On opening the can there was an explosion of beer so fierce that even an old ex-barman like me couldn't save it from soaking the carpet, which smells of Bohemian British Lager now. This deep golden lager had quite a fizz to it to say the least. I usually keep away from this type of lager, as it blows me up something rotten. Although my big belly burps can be amusing, I do get some disapproving looks from Cinabar.
On smell, the carpet had a predominantly Pilsner aroma to it. Once poured gingerly into my beer glass, Bohemian British Lager still had a Pilsner smell to it, with a touch of crisp herbal and fruity hops. On taste this Pilsner lager had an initial sharp bite of mildly fruity hops followed closely by sweet malted barley, which I found smoothed out this beer into the aftertaste. This was a very flavoursome overexcited lager indeed. And now it's drunk, let the belly burping commence.
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