16 July 2020

Homemade Kombucha and Loganberry Jam (@NLi10)

One side-effect of the whole lock-down thing in the UK has be a change to how we use our leisure time.  I've spent more time on the games consoles as I can't go out and play people in person.  Friends and family however have turned to more creative pursuits.  Everyone in this little circle has also continued to work full time (or greater) in essential roles!

First up - my sister made Loganberry Jam with berries grown in her garden.  It's super strong and the colour is remarkable.

Tea, a drink with jam & bread!

I've been using this on my home-made scones from last week and all kinds of lovely sandwiches and snacks.  The best kind of birthday present!

One of my colleagues talked about obtaining a 'scoby' and making her own Kombucha.  And this week I got to taste one of the results.  Kombucha is basically fermented tea with all kinds of other things thrown in to make exciting yet social drinks.

It's all a bit scientific - this one is apple and ginger flavoured science!

It tasted a little less sour than the store bought ones can be (varies by brand) and the ginger wasn't so strong that it put me off.  I'd love a rhubarb and ginger version and I've been tempted to try and make my own - but it's not an easy thing in a tiny kitchen.

Great tasting and very refreshing though - a great summer cafe drink if we are ever allowed out to play again.

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