I opened up the packet of Rhubarb & Custard Creams and the biscuits look very much like regular Custard Creams except for the filling being a pale shade of pink. There is a light rhubarb aroma too which was nice, I couldn’t wait to try one. I have to say I was super impressed with these biscuits. The rhubarb flavour is fairly strong and the acidity of the fruit flavour perfectly balanced out by the creamy custard. A perfect flavour match. The biscuits are good, even dunked in coffee all the flavours and textures still worked well. I don’t re-buy a lot of limited editions but these I will, they were just lovely on their own and dunked, and are an absolutely brilliant edition. Everybody was talking about the chocolate Bourbon Custard Creams but really these Rhubarb & Custard Creams are the biscuits everyone should be trying.
Repeat after me: Rhubarb isn’t a fruit.
Green beans aren't vegetables, cucumbers are fruits and strawberries aren't berries (despite having it in their name). The actual classifications are so frustrating so yeah I do tend to just go for the sweet ones are fruit and the savoury are vegetables - sorry.
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