11 March 2024

Aero Choco-Hazelnut Flavour Chocolate (Morrisons) By @Cinabar

Aero Choco-Hazelnut Flavour Chocolate

I’m not sure how I feel about fake hazelnut. It seems to be the in thing at the moment, with brands choosing it over the actual nut. I guess it has advantages in that I suspect it is cheaper, and I guess it is easier to have a factory without allergens. Still, I like actual hazelnuts, and that feels more natural for those of us that can tolerate them.

Aero Choco-Hazelnut Flavour Chocolate

Anyway, chocolate and nut (flavour) is one of my favourite combinations, so I was looking forward to giving this a try. Inside the wrapper is a dark-looking, bobbly bar that looked very tempting. There was a nice aroma of chocolate and nut too. 

As per a regular Aero bar, this is full of bubbles and has that lovely texture of being firm and then melting in the mouth. The chocolate is sweet and rich, and the hazelnut flavour does work. I liked the taste and I like the bubbles, and I found myself eating more than I meant to. Perhaps I can cope with the fact that this Aero Choco-Hazelnut Flavour Chocolate is made with flavouring after all. 

Aero Choco-Hazelnut Flavour Chocolate

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