12 December 2013

Jannocks Oatmeal Biscuits (@teebayservices) [review by @NLi10]

While at Teebay Services I spotted these oatmeal biscuits, and while they are from Shropshire and not the lakes I thought they looked worth a go. I hadn't seen many things with a lavender flavour so I picked that variety - as it turns out people have been telling me that it's quite fashionable!

The biscuits themselves are well made oatcakes and have a nice texture and a good crisp snap to them.  I wasn't that sure on the lavender though - to me it conjors up perfume and cleaning flavours! 

I did think that the lavender may be better suited to having a topping on the biscuit so I made one like that.

In the absence of peanut butter I stuck a Reece's Cup on top and munched away. This did work well, but I don't think peanut and lavender is a taste sensation that will set the world aflame.

I think with a balancing flavour then these would work well, but alone the lavender is a little too much. I have other lavender things to review soon to see whether sweet works better!

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