As part of the continued drive to achieve a BMI that raises me from the underweight to normal categories I've been doing exercise. Due to this I've been eating a bit more and trying out whichever protein drinks are on special offer. While a comment on a previous post suggested that the protein powder itself is much better for this I think that these kinds of drinks are more the way that us regular folk will come across this. Also I kind of want the sugar and calories to use to fuel the exercise - its not like I have anything else to burn!
This time I picked up the Ufit Pro 50 range - purely because Tesco had them for half price. I saved them for when I was actually going to be doing exercise and then drank away. Here we see the bottles on the bus on the way to training.
And here we see the wrestling ring under construction. I drank one before the training session with NXT star Joel Redman (who wrestled as Oliver Grey), and one afterwards. There was less cardio than my normal weekly workouts but more stability and core work. Lots of rolling about and throwing people too which is much more fun than running towards a wall at the gym.
The flavours of these drinks were pretty similar, not too sweet, milky with a hint of that odd protein taste layered under the advertised flavour on top. They were not bad at all, and I'd happily drink these. The texture was very pleasant, not like the odd Nourishment can, and closer to the original one from a vending machine (see all the Protein posts here).
These were on special so about £1.50 each but I think they would be double that normally. I think that this science food for exercise people is a big growth area where there are lots of confusing premium products whose effects you can't judge from one session. I did manage to survive OK (I have a sore neck from landing on my head a few times) and my muscles are not achey so maybe they did their job. I'm also the heaviest I've ever been - hooray - but still short of the target.
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