31 December 2016

Merriment Beer (Wolverhampton Christmas Market) By @SpectreUK

What better time of year than to have a beer called Merriment? Yes, it's New Year's Eve. To some across the world they are already celebrating their New Year's Day, and so I say "Happy New Year!" but to us in the UK, we have a few hours to go. 2016 hasn't been a fun year to be honest, and I'm not sure what 2017 has to offer. However, moments are for celebrating, possibly not years and certainly not bad tidings… This beer is for happy moments, because it says so on the label!

Produced by the Merrimen Brewery in Northants, this 3.6% volume golden bitter has Pale, Crystal and Chocolate malts mixed with Styrian Bobeck, Williamette and Sterling hops. On opening the bottle there was a mixture of herby hops with the stronger pale malt in the background and then a snippet of chocolate and yeast in the smell. On taste the malts come to the fore with Pale and Chocolate dancing a merry jig together, and then the bitterness from the hops washing around them to complete the noisy hoedown. There is sweetness here from the Crystal malt complementing the Chocolate in the initial flavour, swirling together with the Pale malt and mixture of hops which all dance a happy tune on the tastebuds into the aftertaste. So for those that are still in waiting I bid you a "Happy New Year!"

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