11 June 2020

Review Roundup Video: Review Round-up: Duck Crisps, Seaweed Crisps, Broccoli Chocolate & Pineapple Pop! (@NLi10)

Hello everyone - I did a video again!  If it's an acceptable quality then please let us know and we can do more of them (and like comment subscribe etc.).  We'll carry on doing the real reviews anyway too.

Today we try an experimental video rounding up 4 of our recent reviews: Pringles Rice Fusion - Peking Duck with Hoisin Sauce Off The Eaten Path: Rice & Sea-weed Crispy Curls (Sea Salt) Ombar Choccoli - 55% Cacao Broccoli Chocolate Fentimans Classic Tropical Soda: Pineapple & Cardamom


Anonymous said...

Video is great :)

Rich Anderson said...

Thanks! I've upgraded it since then too - but the only thing I have worth talking about is a load of hot sauces I've been avoiding...