I'm not sure whether apple & pears are a genuine dish - or this is just playing off the Cockney Rhyming Slang (for stairs) - but as an alternate for mince pies I'll try anything once.
These have a festive box - and so are discounted already - hooray!
It's almost bordering on the Waitrose gift box territory here - with a little window on eitherside and the pies peeking through.
And the crumbliness of the top does look very inviting.
My hands in shot do make you realise that these are tiny. Canapés at best. In fact - with the crumbly top - popping the whole thing in is probably safest - I had to tip some topping off to get a good picture.
And it's an odd mix - apple pie & custard but all in one little desert. The pear does smooth the taste out which is great, these don't ahve the Mr Kipling aftertaste that the Bramley Apple ones have had for years.
If I could buy a big one of these - stuffed with the fruit pieces - from a farm shop then I'd be overjoyed. As it stands these are perfectly good for after-dinner snacks with a tea, but not destined to become a seasonal favourite (although I am looking forwards to my next one already!).
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