29 November 2022

Maltesers Mint Mini Reindeer (Tesco) By @Cinabar

Maltesers Mint Mini Reindeer

The weather does seem to have gotten a bit cooler this week, not to mention the impressive fog that was so murky last night. I’m using this to justify, very loosely, that it now okay to break open the Christmas snacks. I've been on a hot chocolate kick for weeks, but these were waiting on the side table for an evening when I needed a sugary seasonal treat.Just to confirm, we have not put the tree up yet but will be doing so soon. 

Maltesers Mint Mini Reindeer

Here we have Maltesers Mint Mini Reindeer, which do look very Christmassy. The chocolates are individually wrapped, and shaped like reindeer, sort of. Each chocolate contains minty milk chocolate and malt balls.They're not too tough and break easily.

I gave one a try, and the chocolate was sweet; mint was the predominant flavour, followed by the mellow tones of malt. I always thought malt and mint shouldn’t go together, but I do like them. Generally, I like anything with mint, and these had that lovely cooling taste of peppermint. So I hope it isn’t too early for the seasonal treats, but I’m looking forward to seeing what else I can find.

Maltesers Mint Mini Reindeer

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