I got home, heated some milk in the microwave and had a look at the tub. I was a little bit surprised to see it say that you only need two teaspoons of powder per mug. This is unusual. I don’t think I’ve seen a hot chocolate where the amount you add has been that low. Traditionally you have four teaspoons to make a hot chocolate drink, some are three and the odd one is five, but two just doesn’t seem enough. Oh well, I followed the instructions for the sake of the blog despite my instinct to add a little bit more.
The drink mixed in well, a bit of stirring but not too lumpy, and it was a fair colour too. I was worried it was going to be super milky. I gave the drink a try and rather enjoyed it, there was plenty of flavour. The salted caramel had more of a honey comb taste, like a burnt caramel rather than a salted caramel. I really couldn’t pick up on much salt, but that was okay because I did like the taste. I found this to be a soothing sweet drink, with a nice touch of flavour and I was impressed that it was so flavourful despite being made with just two teaspoons. There was a similar looking tub from Sainsbury next to this Salted Caramel Flavour Hot Chocolate and that was Orange Flavour Hot Chocolate which is also on my list to try next.
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