14 May 2024

Extra Cream Custard Creams (Marks and Spencer) By @Cinabar

Extra Cream Custard Creams (Marks and Spencer)

When I first heard about these biscuits, I thought they would be giant biscuits, but the biscuits are the same size and the filling is double. This still sounds like a formula that could work. The latest creation from Marks and Spencer are these Marks and Spencer Extra Cream Custard Creams. There are 12 biscuits in the pack, and I opened them up to take a look. There is a photo with a ruler for scale. There is definitely extra cream, but not quite as much as I imagined; maybe I’m just greedy.

I gave one a try, and what I hadn’t expected was that there was a much stronger, creamy custard taste. It really is much more noticeable than I had expected. These are so creamy, and the custard is my favourite element, so these were a dream. There was a slight change in texture, with a more soft filling and a stronger crunch. I liked that too, but seriously, these Marks and Spencer Extra Cream Custard Creams biscuits are all about the custard filling. I hope they don’t stop these, as I’m not sure I could go back to regular, thin Custard Creams. 

Extra Cream Custard Creams (Marks and Spencer)

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