Aero seem to be expanding their range; we’ve seen everything from Aero Lambs through to the re-launch of Aero Orange in recent months. The idea of an Aero biscuit is something altogether new though, and could be seen as them branching out. That is until you open the pack and break one in half. Although the packet clearly labels these as biscuits, the product seems to be an individually wrapped mini bar of Aero containing mainly chocolate.
The bars are half Aero bubbly chocolate, and half solid chocolate with a few sporadic pieces of biscuit within. There is enough for the biscuit to add a crunch to the texture, but not enough in my mind for them to be labelled as actual biscuits.
The chocolate is what you would expect, the usual milky sweet but standard Aero flavour, and the biscuit does add a pleasant shortbread taste. I liked the crunch, and these mini bars were pleasant enough, if you are a fan of Aero I think you will like the new concept. If you are looking for a new biscuit, you may well be disappointed. My only niggle is the size of the bar, and I know if I’m not careful this will end up sounding like yesterdays McVities post, but it still has to be said. The bars are mini bars, they really are quite small. There is quite a lot of packaging to individually wrap small chunks of chocolate, and although they are just 99 calories I found myself fancying two!
Anyone else tried these? What did you think? Philosophical thought: When is a biscuit a bar of chocolate, and when does a chocolate bar contain enough biscuit to be considered an actual biscuit?
By Cinabar
Its quite small though, and there really isn't enough biscuit.
I guess reducing the size of chocolate for calorie reasons works quite well for chocolate firms financial reasons too. :-/ You are right - even king size seems to be being replaced by the duo bars, for 'portion control'.
just looks like a copy of foxs biscuits echo to me :(
You said it - it ain't a biscuit!!
Anon - but they have a solid biscuit base, but these are mostly choc.
Biscuit - its not is it... meh - tastes good though!
It just doesn't have enough biscuit to feel like a biscuit... and despite having the opportunity to eat two, I now think it should be bigger.
I thought they were really disappointing! They are just mini bars of Aero and don't taste of much!
My biggest disappointment about them was the size... :-/ Perhaps I'm just greedy! :-D
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