A few days later another of the lads brought in this innocent looking bag of sweets from a traditional sweet shop that had opened up near him. He had gone in asked for the sourest sweets they had, the ones which are only available on ‘special request’ and if you know the magic handshake. I picked out a red one, and was told that out of the two flavours red was the strongest. Yippee. I have tried War Heads and Toxic Waste before, so thought I knew what to expect with crazy sour flavours but nothing had quite prepared me for these! I think this is well and truly the sourest sweet I’ve tried, and wow it was bad. When I put it in my mouth it screamed sour at my taste buds, and I just didn’t want it to move in my mouth in case that meant the flavour would increase in some way. Obviously a stationary sweet doesn’t dissolve very fast so I felt obliged to move it a little with my tongue but it sent a shudder each time. My eyes were watering and I had hoped that the taste would subside but it really wasn’t. I moved the sweet some more, noticed that my tongue and roof of my mouth now hurt and involuntarily waved my hand in a hope of washing away the taste. Eventually the sour flavour gave way, but it took far longer than expected. Underneath was an acceptable berry taste, that was slightly sweet but seemed like a god send as it tried to bring back my taste buds from the brink of death. I’m sorry dear readers I didn’t try a lemon sweet. I did judge the reaction of my colleagues who did, they seemed to suffer in a similar way, with similar amounts of eye watering and expletives – so I think you get the idea! My mouth was sore for quite some time after eating one – so I’m quite glad I didn’t venture out for a second sweet!
Thanks to everyone at work for trying all the crazy goodies that we do – I wonder what will be next? ;-)
By Cinabar
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