Well it’s finally happened, the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow we have found ourselves scrapping off ice from the car windscreen in a morning again, and are heading into Winter. I quite like Winter, I like the Christmas lights and I like the excuse to drink lashing of hot chocolate in an evening to warm up too. If you are going to have a hot chocolate you might as well make it a thoroughly indulgent one, which is why I thought I’d give this new product from ChokaBlok a try.
Inside each pack is a plastic spoon covered in a large block of ChokaBlok chocolate, designed for melting into a mug of milk, or as an extra to cocoa for an special treat!
The spoons look beautiful, all of them decorated fabulously and each one filled with nicely thought through ingredients. If you have friends over these do make the difference and transform a simple mug of hot chocolate into a very luxurious drink. They add so much taste, and flavour and my sweet tooth was lapping them up.
We had :
Extremist Big Dipper – This one had both milk and dark chocolate in the base, and fab bits of chocolate brownie that came to the surface of the drink. I loved the richness this one added.
Rocky Road – I have to confess this was my favourite of the bunch. The milk chocolate was biscuit flavoured, but there were mini marshmallows that surfaced and made the drink just perfect.
Gold Digga Dynamite – If you have a sweet tooth the added caramel from this one will just make you smile, as will the honeycomb pieces that decorate the top! It’s almost like adding caramel syrup, and it made me want to try this one with coffee.
Cookie Crumb Mon-Star – This is the white chocolate block, and it has cookies pieces and milk chocolate stars to mix in. It added a very creamy base to the drink, that was wonderful and soothing on a cold night.
I am definitely going to be stocking up on these for the Winter. I do often moan that I can’t get hot chocolate to taste strong or sweet enough for me, but these fab dippers totally nailed it.
By Cinabar
Wow these look fantastic. I'm definitely going to pick up the Rocky Road, I love the look of the little marshmallow pieces on top! These look great for little Christmas stocking fillers/hampers too.
They look yummy! Would be great paired with a pretty mug to give as a gift, a little hot chocolate set.
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