28 November 2012

Ko-Lee Bombay Masala (ASDA) [By @SpectreUK]

I have tried the Ko-Lee Thai Hot and Spicy Tom Yum flavour before and enjoyed it. This Bombay Masala flavour was also manufactured by Kohlico, in China, and had the same packaging of a cardboard carton and plastic lid. There was a plastic fork in the pot on top of the stringy chunk of solid noodles and sachet of sauce mix, but I always plump for a metal fork with pot noodles, as the plastic forks always bend into amusing shapes in the hot soup. The 65g pot had 236 calories, with 11.37g fat, and 1.35g sugar. Ingredients in the soup mix included; chilli powder, tomato, garlic, chives, sweet corn, peas, and carrots. Allergy advice on the carton stated that there was soya, wheat, and gluten in this noodle pot. Once I’d added freshly boiled water, the solid noodles instantly softened and merged easily together with the soup mix after little stirring. I replaced the plastic top and left the pot to cool for a while. After a few minutes I dumped the top into recycling and took in the lovely masala curry smell from the noodle soup. On tasting there was a good medium to hot curry spice to this soup. The stringy noodles had filled the pot soaking up much of the liquid, with plenty of bits of carrots, chives, sweet corn and peas mixed in. I found this Bombay Masala flavour very tasty indeed and would have this again. It’s perfect for a late night snack or an accompaniment with a lunchtime sandwich.
By Spectre

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