18 September 2019

Pot Noodle: Asian Street Style Thai Red Curry (Alexa) By @SpectreUK

I get on very well with Alexa. She sits in the kitchen and plays Classical radio stations for me during my lunchtime, and asks us a "question of the day". I often find her voice quiet soothing. Cinabar doesn't get on with Alexa so well, but she did ask her to send me this Asian Street Style Thai Red Curry from Pot Noodle. I have tried many Pot Noodles in the past, my favourite being Beef and Tomato. So I'm quite looking forward to this, especially as I love Thai Red Curry. What could go wrong?

Opening the Asian Street Style Thai Red Curry Pot Noodle there was a ball of fine stringy noodles covered in reddish seasoning and some diced vegetables. I boiled the kettle and also a couple of boiled eggs, with some toast and butter on the side. After leaving the pot to stew and stirring, I pulled off the foil top from the pot and was at first struck by the sheer strength of a lemongrass type smell. I say "type" because I couldn't see any lemongrass in the ingredients, and believe me, the smell was so strong I read through them several times!

Once cooled a little the strength of the lemongrass type flavour was overwhelming. If you had told me in a blind taste test that this was a lemongrass noodle soup I'd have believed you. There was quite a hot chilli strength behind this overwhelming almost washing-up liquid type flavour, which made me sweat little also. Of course I don't eat washing-up liquid, but I'm sure you get the idea. It's fortunate I don't mind lemongrass that much, but those of you who don't like it (like Cinabar) are probably best to avoid this pot noodle. It unfortunately didn't taste like any Thai Red Curry I've ever tasted before, and I've enjoyed quite a few in my time…

Information on the Pot;
The 69g pot included 243 calories, 1.5g of fat, 4.9g of sugar, and 2.6g of salt. I was pretty surprised by the amount of salt. That seems pretty high. Please see photograph for ingredients.

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