28 April 2020

Galaxy Buttons – Caramel Crunch (Tesco) By @Cinabar

This is a product that Spectre somewhat reluctantly said I could write about, even though he had ear marked the chocolate for himself. He loves caramel, and anything I buy with caramel or salted caramel I have to remember to buy one for him too, otherwise mine goes missing. So these Galaxy Buttons Caramel Crunch were at the back of the Foodstuff Finds cupboard but originally purchased at Tesco. Buttons seem to be quite in at the minute with quite a few varieties coming out, they are easy to eat and good for portion control and sharing (when we are allowed to).
These Galaxy Buttons Caramel Crunch are a reasonable size and do have bits of caramel pressed into them, but it didn’t show particularly well on the photo. The chocolate is the usual sweet silky chocolate, but the caramel bits add a bit of texture and a little sweetness to the flavour, but not that much. I don’t buy Galaxy that often but whenever I do I remember how much I like the creaminess of the chocolate, and I had that feeling again eating these. I’m not sure the Caramel Crunch added that much to the buttons, but I certainly enjoyed them anyway. In other news, I need to buy myself a Galaxy Ripple.

1 comment:

paulham said...

A Ripple! Straoght from the freezer! Mmmmmmm!

Now if they were to inject it with a runny caramel core...WELL!!!